I’m terribly excited…today’s the day!
Yes, I’m kicking off the poetry contest.
But (and I’m sure you’ll soon be breathing a sigh of relief) I plan on being as brief as possible.
Rules and Information:
Categories and Prizes: There will be two entry categories which have nothing to do with poetry (Ha!). One category is for the general public; one category will be set up for family members to participate. If you are in the general public category, first prize will be a $50 gift card, second prize will be a $30 gift card, and third prize will be a $20 gift card to the business of your choice. If you enter under the family category, first prize will be a $50 gift card; there will be no other place winners in the family category. If you receive an honorable mention in either category, I will publish your poem on the blog…just as I plan on doing with the poems which place.
Judging: I will be whittling down the entries, but my friend, Melissa Studdard, has graciously agreed to do the final judging in the general public category. Melissa is one of our local creative writing/English teachers (Lone Star College). She’s recently published her first book, Six Weeks to Yehidah, and has published numerous poems.
Eligibility: There will be no age limits on the contest (no limits of any kind), but if you’re under eighteen, please consult your parent or guardian before you enter. If you place or receive an honorable mention, I’ll need written permission from your parent or guardian if you’re under eighteen (email is acceptable) to publish your poem.
Rating: As I mentioned in my previous post, please keep it clean and kind (G or PG to use movie terminology). Reading my previous contest post will probably clear up any questions you may have in this area.
Deadline: I must receive your poem via email no later than midnight on September 27, 2011 (two weeks from today). I plan to begin posting the poems to the blog soon after Oct. 8th.
Submissions: Submit your poem via email to [email protected]. Include your full name, age (if you're under eighteen), and your email address with your poem. Your poem should be unpublished and your orignal work (of course).
Word length: Poems must be 100 words or less.
Format: Fly, be free…or not. If you want to use rhyme and meter that’s perfectly acceptable, but there aren’t any rules on format.
Questions or Suggestions: Contact me at [email protected].
My goal: To encourage you to be creative.
Just to let you know, over the next few days, I’ll be posting a few more thoughts about the contest…so, if you plan on or are considering participating, please keep an eye on my facebook wall or facebook blog page (Laura is Inconsistent) for announcements. You can also follow my blog postings on Twitter under VariableLaura.
Please share the contest information with anyone you feel may be interested. Thank you!!
But Angry Birds isn't compulsory...jk. Well, I know you're busy, but keep the thought in the back of your mind...look for inspiration...and when it hits you...mull it over...because you may just find it doesn't take all that long to write it out at that point. AND I'm okay if it's only two lines. I hope you'll be able to give it a try. I love you!
Posted by: Laura | Sep 14, 2011 at 08:15 AM
I want to enter but I am so busy right now.... I'm trying to think of an idea, though.
Posted by: Super Bluebonnet | Sep 13, 2011 at 10:31 PM