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« My Imaginary Friends | Main | Breakfast with a Friend »

Jul 22, 2011


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Thank you, Marie! I don't remember about the move, but Craig did live with Mark for a few months at one point. You've got a good memory. :)


I could not stop reading your latest post about Mark. Isn't he the one who helped Craig with a move at one time. Also I believe he is the one who lived with Craig (or Craig lived with him for a time)? I may be wrong, but anyway as usual I loved the way you wrote it down so lovelingly. Marie


Kristi, I think you'll remember a little more if I add a few details. Do you remember when Love Field had a roller rink? I think we were at an end-of-year Y-Teen function. I think the farm picture was taken probably the first summer after we met. I loved to wade in the irrigation ditches...and we would sometimes find little specks of gold in the pebbles, so I was probably showing you how to sift through the rocks. We would also find flint and old arrowheads out at the farm, and I think you found a few really nice gray ones while we were there. I'm glad you liked it...you're a good friend in so many ways. :)

Kristi Coleman

Wow, love it all, Laura. I have no memory of those "awkward years" photos!! I wish there was some way for Mark's son to see that great photo and read your post. Thanks so much.


Thanks, Rachel. I think my dad took the picture of Mark, btw. When I found it...I felt like I hit the jackpot.

Rachel Hoehn

Laura this is great! Thank you for sharing your memories of Mark. He was a good friend and is still missed in our lives today. I liked the pictures too. :-)


Tom, I love this story...it's making me laugh. I have to say...it's pretty priceless.

Actually, thinking about church stories this week has once again reminded me of the time you almost fell through the roof of your church.

I'm glad you didn't. ;)

Thanks for adding to my story...I think remembering the funny things is as important as remembering the poignant.


You're welcome, TJ. Thank you for commenting. I feel I've been blessed with many precious friendships.

Tom Rutledge

I was actually relating a story about Mark earlier this week. He was a yr older than me. I was a freshman at Baylor and Mark came to Waco for the Weekend. Stays with me in Penland and we are going to meet friends for dinner. Remember,Baylor is not co-Ed but Mark is used to living in Jester -a major co-Ed haven in Austin.

Mark puts on his robe and grabs his towel and starts walking to the showers. Well, we Bears were not used to that because towels were never stolen, primary because there were no women on the halls. I explain to Mark that "it's safe" and we laugh about it. Fast forward a few months later and I stay with him in the aforementioned Jester. I go for a run before the football game and nonchalantly grab my towel and start sauntering down the hall, thinking of course, there are no girls anywhere. Well, whoa Nellie ( as Keith Jackson would say),there were LOTS of females and Mark laughed at me when I scrambled back to the room.

Hard to believe that will be 30 yrs ago. Mark and I weren't particularly close but it's a funny story that I won't soon forget


Thank you for sharing these sweet memories and honoring such a good friend.

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