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« To Break or to Free | Main | Oak Cliff-O, Part 3a: Church Friends »

Jun 16, 2011


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And she should know, Lisa. She's so creative. We've been blessed with some wonderfully creative children. I LOVE it! I'm glad you like the blog post. Thank you for being my most consistent reader. I think you deserve a prize. Hmmm....

Super Bluebonnet

I like it! And I like the whole thing about continuing to expand one's imagination and creativity. I remember when Erin told me (maybe she was 6?): "Mom, you don't have to give up your imagination. You can use it all your life." Pretty profound!


Ha, ha, Duane! Yes, I'm a wimp...and proud of it! But seriously, thanks for reading and the positive feedback. :)


Thanks for the compliment and for reading, Rachel! I'm a big fan of Midas...you never know...he might become one of my imaginary friends. ;)

Duane Ray

This would be a great blog, Laura, but Spock is not imaginary...I was there when you cried at his first funeral as Scotty played "Amazing Grace" on the bagpipes. ;-)

Seriously, I greatly enjoy your blog...it's a good read!

Rachel Hoehn

This gets me to thinking about imaginary friends I might have that I did not realized I have. Nice blog Laura. Oh my cats would not be impressed either unless the head was bobbing. :-)

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