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Nov 07, 2010


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Thanks, Marie. It's true...They grow so fast. Thank you for being such a supportive Nana and Mother-in-law.


Children grow up so quickly, so enjoy each phase with E. You are a great Mom to her. It is not always easy raising children, but they are the joy of your life. This was very sweetly written. Marie

Super Bluebonnet

Laura, I had told Susan about your blog and she thought you might like to have a book since it contains so many memories. I'm not sure this is the same website - she didn't have a name. If she remembers one then I'll let you know.


Thanks, Suzy! You give me hope. :)


I suspect that an opportunity to read, someday, how deeply she moves you will be like poetry to your Super Girl.


Oh! Interesting site. Thanks for the information AND the compliment. :)

Super Bluebonnet

Sweet post. By the way, my friend Susan recently recommended a product (or website?) called Book Your Blog - or something like that. Maybe this is it? http://www.blurb.com/landing_pages/blogbook?ce=google_blog_make&gclid=CK6dkL7Rj6UCFZRe7Aod3xmPMg

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